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Thursday, December 20, 2012

New year, new goals.

This entry will mark our final post of the 2012 season;

It has been quite the year Mark and I have had. We both experienced ups and downs. However, for the most part our season saw more ups than anything. We saw some national medals both indoors and outdoors, we were both graced with the opportunity of representing our country in our very own city, we traveled Europe...and we had a few personal best's along the way. As we sit back and reflect upon our past 2012 season we begin plotting our assault on the 2013 season. Chen's short term goals remain on getting healthy and back into full training mode. He has had some good news of late, and all things are pointing to a speedier recovery than originally estimated. See, it pays to have a 3rd, 4th, and 5th opinion sometimes! Here is a picture of Chens reward for all his hard work into getting expert opinions and monotonous rehabbing. Enjoy Vic!

The 2013 indoor season is already upon us. I (Pat) just recently competed in my first meet of the season. I don’t expect much from indoors, as it is never a focus. My indoors serves more as a test of fitness and a reminder of what competition feels like. That being said, I had a solid competition at the Louis-Riel super Saturday series. I set a new dome record in the shot put with a throw of 14.67m (Seen below, video analysis!)
I also set a new personal best on my way to winning the hurdles with a time of 8.48 which eclipsed my oldest outstanding personal best of 8.51. Here is a blurry and a cut off video of the race this past weekend >
I have been working a lot on trying to fix my running technique as of late. Always more work ahead, but it is nice to see some results for the countless hours being put into the project. I also competed in some Pole Vault. I opened at 4.16m and this proved to be my only height, I will continue to jump from a short approach runway for the next month or so.

Indoors is heating up! But, we are already planning our spring time openers in Arizona. This time of year has provided Chen and I with a lot to think of in terms of goals and Decathlon opportunities. Just to be clear, there are 4 major competitions which we hope to each make. This list of international events include FISU (Russia), Francophone (South of France), Pan-Am Cup (being held in Ottawa again), and the AV Clytoneus meet (Holland).

Before we sign off, Chen and I would like to acknowledge the retirement of one of our greatest competitors in the sport of Decathlon. This week Jamie Adjetey-Nelson announced his retirement from the Decathlon (nice article about Jamie here>) Jamie has one national titles, set one of the best scores in the history of Canada, and won Commonwealth just to name a few of his accomplishments. You never competed against Jamie as an athlete, you were always with him. It was an honour to have had the privaledge to compete with a man who was chearing you on the entire way. Chen and I both have memories of Jamie, one of which is his pre-1500m song he once oh so lovely serenaded us with at nationals. You cant ever help finding yourself wanting him to be the best he could at every run, jump and throw he attempted. Best of luck to a legend in the sport in his next chapter of life. If you live half as good as you competed your going to be just fine :)

We end our last blog of the 2012 season by wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year. Safe travels home for all, and to all a good night.

Yours truly, the Decathlon-Duo.


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Santa! is quite small these days...

So these past few weeks have been fairly eventful.  To start we finished off Movember, well Pat did..because thanks to a good pal of mine, I've promised to keep it going until our reunion in another 2 the teen stash stays! Pat decided to 'style' his mo, creating a very John Waters-esque look if you ask me.  Google him, it's worth it.  Here's the evidence of how our final days turned out (including a few of Pats Canadian Strength co-workers..great look guys!).

Then since it's getting closer to that majestic holiday we call Christmas we decided to go Christmas shopping, which turned into self shopping (and a holiday dinner at the Bay, see below).  But more more importantly we made the decision that this was a great time to go visit Santa for a family household picture!  Somehow I remember Santa being a bit larger when we were younger.  I think Santa needs more milk and cookies (well maybe not cookies).  Not a bad little house I'd say.

Last Saturday was also the Ottawa Lions awards banquet, where Pat and I both picked up awards from the past 2 seasons.  Pat grabbed the Field Athlete of the Year and I won the Combined Events Athlete of the Year.  We were awarded some lovely certificates and those delightful mugs you see in the bottom left corner of the picture above.  For the picture we were just supposed to pretend taking a sip because our tea was extremely hot, but my hand accidentally slipped hence the triangle face I'm making.  Oh well thanks for the mugs either way Lions!
Looking good receiving our awards!  

Last practice Pat and I decided to video some of the pole vault hanging drills we had.  Take a look, if you have any others you think are a good please let us know!
I have been a bit hampered by lower ab pain so my training has been minimized significantly; but Pat however, went into beast mode the other night and had a PB clean, lifting 315lbs.  Not too shabby eh?'s another quick video showing the magic moment.

So while Pat lifts heavy weights, I'll be sticking to my rehab exercises like they were going to win me the lottery.  It gets tedious but it's something that needs to get done.  So what I started doing, and I highly recommend, is writing in a notebook.  In it I write down everything I do (exercise, drills, etc.), if it hurts or not, and how much it hurts.  Then the next day I go back and write whether I was still sore or not.  This has been SO helpful, as now coaches and therapists are able to see what you think rather than try to probe you for info.  And honestly when you have a memory as bad as mine, you can very easily forget the degrees of pain you feel day to day.  Give it a shot if you're battling injuries, or even if you're not it's a great way to keep track of your body.

I'll end this by leaving you with my wonderful drawing showing two of the exercises I've been doing.  Pretty good think..So long!

 (and yes the second one makes you look like a dog at a fire hydrant)